All-inclusive ski holidays in Saalbach
Included winter program at Hotel DIE SONNE
With a stay of one week or longer at Hotel DIE SONNE we provide you with various activities and offers free of charge. But, furthermore, a wide variety of other options await you during all-inclusive ski holidays in Saalbach.
- Childcare provided at Sonne Mini Club, 6 days a week
- Access to the SONNENOASE with indoor pool, jacuzzi, aroma brine grotto, infrared sauna cabin and to the SONNENHAUS with Finnish high-seat sauna, sanarium, brine steam bath and infrared sauna cabin, fireplace room with iPads and waterbeds, etc.
- Assisted sauna infusions
- Vitality programme
- Guided skiing day once a week
- Snowshoe hikes as part of the TVB weekly program

Every Wednesday live
The magician "ROSA"
Every Wednesday evening the magician ROSA is guest at the SONNE and enchants our small and large guests with spontaneous and colourful table magic. Look forward to magical hours!